Another week has come and gone, this coming week we are going to be going through phonetics. So hopefully we will be able to read in Portuguese!
Curtis was having a problem w/ his toe and wanted me to take a look at it. It had a huge callus on the end of it and under his toe nail was all black! (He later told me it had been bothering him for about 2 weeks) He said it didn't hurt until I squeezed it. Curtis decided to cut off the callus (w/ a pocket knife!) as soon as he did the a bunch of white junk shot out, and on closer inspection the white junk looked like eggs! We found out he had a bicho-de-pe (bee shoe jee pay) in his foot, it is fondly called a "pet". It's actually a worm that boroughs into your skin (usually under your toenails ) and lays eggs and digs in further and further laying eggs the whole time! All you can see is a small black dot where it went in and then a callus where you skin is dying! So by the time Curtis was done w/ his toe there was a HUGE crater under his toenail! The best way to prevent getting one of these little "pets" is to where shoes, but sooner or later you'll end up getting one :)